I found some strange things after I installed 8.0 

If I check permissions for audio, they are like this:

lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     audio           6 May 22 19:16 /dev/audio -> audio0
crw-------    1 lsarang  audio     14,   4 Apr 14 07:06 /dev/audio0

Is this really correct? From how I understand things, this means that only 
lsarang (i.e. me) will be able to access audio.. any other user (via NIS) 
will not be able to access audio. incidently, lsarang is the only user I 
created.. but all others can login via NIS.

Shouldn't the above be:

lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     audio           6 May 22 19:16 /dev/audio -> audio0
crw-rw----    1 root     audio     14,   4 Apr 14 07:06 /dev/audio0

with all users in the group audio? Or better yet, all users in group "users" 
and "users" being part of audio.

The default way of group management of LM8.0 is that it if I create a user 
lsarang, then another group lsarang will be created and the lsarang user 
belongs to lsarang group. This shouldn't happen IMHO. Instead any user 
created should be of the group users and users should be included in audio, 
floppy, cdrom etc so that any new user gets access to those things.

Am I missing something here?


PS : sorry for sending this again.. nobody replied in the first go :(

Sarang Lakare


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