thats what i did too, but it seems that my settings are not overriden and
a very restricitve  set of rules is applied...

On Mon, 4 Jun 2001, Paul Cox wrote:

> On Monday, Jun 04, 2001, mp wrote:
> > But I need to allow icmp echo requests from my proxy server (if i dont answer 
> > the ping requests downloads get slower and slower with time, and smtp is 
> > blocked for 5 seconds if the ping isnt answered).
> > 
> > So in the config file I have:
> > ICMP_ALLOWED_TYPES="destination-unreachable echo-reply time-exceeded"
> I had the same problem.  I added 'echo-request' so that mine now looks
> like this:
> ICMP_ALLOWED_TYPES="destination-unreachable echo-reply echo-request
> time-exceeded"
> and that fixed it.
> The only thing I haven't found a way around is that I can't traceroute
> my box.  Anybody know how to fix that?
> -- 
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