On Tuesday, Jun 05, 2001, Scott Taylor wrote:

> I'm running LM7.2 and every morning I get this annoying message from 
> cron.daily about DB2 problem:
> From: Cron Daemon <root>
> To: root
> Subject: Cron <root> run-parts /etc/cron.daily
> DB2 problem...: missing or empty key value specified
> Has anyone seen this, know how to get rid of it?
> I know it comes from /etc/cron.daily but I can't see the reference to it, 
> an I don't remember installing any IBM database stuff.

If I remember right, this is from the htdig cron job.  If memory serves,
after I setup htdig (/etc/htdig/htdig.conf) to scan what I wanted, I
didn't get that message anymore.  I could be wrong, though.

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