Ian Cottrell wrote:
> Technically, true, but for all intents and purposes, on networks such as we
> commonly discuss here, default route=gateway of last restort.  Easily
> justified oversimplification! (=:
> However, you are right and I will stop equating them in future
> messages................Ian

Glad you took it the way it was intended...  I'm just trying to a) clarify when
I can, and b) provide mini-tutorials...  I enjoy reading those msgs that go a
tad beyond the original question.

Then again, my wife often complains I go into too much detail...  "All I wanted
was a yes/no!"  :^D


> > Ian Cottrell wrote:
> > >
> > > Doug
> > >      How about posting your /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth* files?
> > > As someone else pointed out, you are trying to use your 2 machines as
> > > gateways, which will not work.  You need only one gateway defined, that
> > > being the default route or 'gateway of last resort'..................Ian
> >
> > Ian,
> >
> > Not to get too picky; but since you seem to equate default route and gw of
> > last resort.... :^)
> >
> > Oversimplified:
> >
> > Default route:  direction to send traffic when the target is not "contained"
> > within existing route table entries; usually to a specific gw (just out say
> > "eth0" requires proxy ARP).  Actually, it is contained within
> >
> > Default network:  "A router that is generating the default for a network also
> > may need a default of its own. One way of doing this is to specify a static
> > route to the network through the appropriate router."**
> >
> > Gateway of last resort:  not available to RIPv1 (only one choice --
> > With more complex routing protocols, "there might be several networks that can
> > be candidates for the system default. The router uses both administrative
> > distance and metric information to determine the default route (gateway of
> > last resort)."**  As in: several default routes, one of which is "last
> > resort".
> >
> > ** See also:
> > http://www.cisco.com/univercd/cc/td/doc/product/software/ios11/cbook/ciproute.
> > htm#xtocid16743154
> >
> > HTH,
> > Pierre

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