-----Original Message-----
From: "Simon Naish" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tue, 05 Jun 2001 16:42:03 +0800
Subject: NVidia (and KDE) bug - another possible fix

OK this is kind of supposition, but it is based on finally getting those pesky NVidia 
drivers to work with any user, and then playing around with the result for a while, so 
here goes..

The fix IS the Gnu log in page, at least on my system, but the reason isn't hugely 
obvious at first (at least not to me). 

If you got yours working like this try something, log in, play game, log out, log in 
(same account or different one), try and play game. Im betting it wont make any 
difference what so ever that you are using the gnu login, your NVidia driver wont 
drive, you just get that rather pants seg fault and not alot of info, other than the 
app just tried to initialise a window.

NOw this suggests to me that the bug is definetly in the NVidia driver, not KDE's log 
in. So why wont KDE's log in work(?). Well I reckon it's to do with the way that the 
KDE login seems to fire up the drivers at least twice, you definetly get at least one 
splash screen, and that as the above paragraph explains, kills the driver.

So there is a bug in the NVidia driver, Id be willing to bet it was a memory problem 
when it's shutting down, maybe there is a system wide variable that isnt being reset, 
or a memory leak somewhere, the point is this isnt kde's login, (although there are 
issues to do with why is it restarting the driver) it seems to be pretty likekly that 
the real culprit is the driver.

Hope this helps any one, if you're having these problems,  check out 
www.littlewhitedog.com they have a great article and a forum full of people tring to 
fix this problem.



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