I have a bizarre problem that I hope someone may be able to give me a clue in 
the right direction to solve.


    I have 3 Linux-MDK8.0 PC's on my desk at work. All connected to same 
switch. A,B,C all have public static IP's can all ping each other and ssh 
into each other.

    I have a 4th MDK8.0 computer, "D", at home with a publc static IP over an 
ADSL connection.


A,B,C can all ping and ssh into D.
When I go home, D can not ping A,B,or C.

If I leave a ping running from home for about 1.5 hours, A,B,C start 
responding to my pings.  If I close all ssh sessions and stop pinging for 
approx 1 hour, and then try to ping from D again, the pings fail. 
If I get one of A,B,C to respond from D, I can ssh into it from D, then ssh 
to another computer of A,B,C, and then it will start responding to pings as 

PC "A" is a Dell machine i bought and put Win2k/Linux on.
PC's "B" and "C" are machines I built myself and have identical hardware.
As I always customize the install, they have slightly different software 
loaded. They are running only Linux.
PC "D" I built myself and is different than the other computers. It is dual 
boot Win2k/Linux.

I replaced the existing Hub when the problem started with a new switch.
>From D, I can ping 2 different Windows 2000 computers connected to the same 
switch in my office.
Port Sentry was initially disabling me so I removed it from all computers. I 
want the problem to go away before I start more on security.
I cleared all /etc/hosts.allow /etc/hosts.deny entries.
I can't find any logs that show my pings being blocked, but I admit not 
knowing everywhere to look.
I formatted/reinstalled Linux on all 3 computers at work. 
I can telnet from home into an old Sparcstation at the switch at work and 
ping A,B,C from it. 
I've replaced all network cables at work with brand new ones. I know they 
work because I can access the internet from A,B,C.
I've verified that A,B,C won't respond from an another external location 
besides my home. 

Help! I have to get these working. B,C will be web/email servers that won't 
be much good if I can't ping them from outside my office. 

Thanks to anyone who can help!


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