Maybe only a few ... but an important few (who obviously includes me!).
Seriously, text based browsers are in use in various forms for
handicapped people as well, and with Lynx you can check alt tags, and
other "access" features etc.  Also lynx/links are great if you want
something very fast and can also be used for things like the initial
ximian install scripts (which is probably not important for a viewable
web page!).


On 08 Jun 2001 14:55:22 -0400, Michael Leone wrote:
> > > What is Mozilla?
> > >
> >
> > Mozilla is the open source/freeware version of Netscape 6.  I use it
> > sometimes, but I'm not sure how popular it is.  It hasn't reached the
> > full release yet.  It's only on version 0.9.
> >
> > There are a number of other Linux browsers to think about.
> >
> > 1)  Netscape (obviously)
> > 2)  Galeon
> Galeon uses the same "engine" that Mozilla uses, and so should render pages
> very closely to Mozilla.
> > 3)  Nautilus
> Nautilus calls on Mozilla to display HTML, doesn't it? It doesn't do it
> natively.
> > 4)  Konqueror
> > 5)  Opera
> Which, as a totally OT BTW, won't work on MS's suppport site - something
> about it not handling the VBScript there very well.
> (Altho that may only be the Windows version of Opera)
> > 6)  Lynx (this is obviously a worst-case scenario, as Lynx is a
> > text-based browser).
> Dunno about "worst"; I know some folks (very few, to be sure) who use it. Of
> course, they always complain when they go to some site with graphics, or
> Flash animation, etc.

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