Make a boot disk (floppy) with mkbootdisk, then boot from floppy. Then,
assuming all the info in /etc/lilo.conf still applies to your new 98 system,
run lilo and kaboom, all will be (should be) as it was.

If you ever lock yourself out of your system, you can boot with the install cd,
hit f1 as soon as you can, go with "rescue" and then it will create virtual
linux filesystems. In this situation, if are comfortable making a new entry in
/etc/fstab (on the virtual filesystem), and you make a mount point in /mnt,
then you can mount the partition that has /etc/lilo.conf on your REAL system,
and then run "lilo -C /mnt/mountpoint/.../etc/lilo.conf". If the rescue system
doesn't have lilo on it (i have no idea) then you can mount the partitoin that
has /sbin/lilo, and run that:
/mnt/mountpoint/.../sbin/lilo -C /mnt/mountpoint/.../etc/lilo.conf

But there will be no need for that if you just make a bootdisk.

Good luck,

--- OOzy Pal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  I have dual boot LM8 and Win2000. I want to remove
> Win2000 and install Win98 but if I do this win98 will
> not recognize LM* and will overwrite the boot sector.
> What can I do to avoid this
> =====
> Regards,
> OOzy
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