Hi, I'm trying to compile the 2.4.3-27mdk kernel source and am running into all sorts of problems....

I'm doing:
    - make xconfig
    - make dep
    - make
    - make modules       <

-- here is the problem
First, since I'm using the matching version kernel-source-2.4.3-27mdk.rpm, if I just do make xconfig, is that loaded with all the defaults of the rpm of the kernel I running?

Second, supposing I have the kernel configured the way I want it to be, and after I've just done 'make', when I type 'make modules' I get all kinds of compile errors  (starting with the compiler telling me that integer literals are containing letters, but aren't hexidecimal constants)

Anyway, all I really want to do is patch the emu10k1 source code and recompile the module...
I tried just doing the 'make xconfig' then 'make dep' then go into the drivers/sound/emu10k1 and type 'make', but it doesn't even try to use 'kgcc' to compile, instead it uses 'cc' which seems to cause even more trouble...

What am I doing wrong?

    -- Davy

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