Bruno Damour wrote:

> Hi,
> I recently installed LM 8.0 (fresh install) after running LM 7.2 for some time.
> I used to have my pppd configured with ON DEMAND (DEMAND=yes in ifcfg-ppp0) so
> that i could just connect to the net (USR 56K Message Modem) pinging my fai.
> This would also allow me (together w/ ipchains) to connect on demand from my
> other station (I have 2 stations connected).
> Now it just hangs if I run 'ifup ppp0'. That is, the syslog shows that the if
> is going up w/ the dummy addresses normally but the prompt never comes back.
> I tried to ping and it works (the connection starts normally and _then_ the
> prompt comes back...
> What could be the problem ? I traced the problem to this line in ifup-ppp :
>  ppp-watch ppp0 ifcfg-ppp0
> It could be some paramater in the ifcfg-ppp0 ? but everything works fine if I
> run kppp or even if i just comment out the DEMAND line in ifcfg-ppp0.
> Has anyone an idea or encountered the same type of problem ?
> TIA.

i Have the same prob

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