Hi folks,

I have just installed LM8.0 on my PC. It can be really slow (P 200  48mb 
ram) compared to newer PCs but I was really expecting better performance 
from LM8.0.

I am using KDE as a desktop manager. when i use top i see that nearly all of 
the ram is used. At first I thought it is in fact sharing the memory but 
using top also says 0Kb for shared memory usage. I think it is quite 

related with this when i open a application lets say konsole and close it, 
the next time i open it i expect it loads faster but in fact it is not. It 
waits just as the first opening maybe more. This is quite related with 
shared memory usage i think. What are ur comments, I know KDE things are 
resource eaters but as i said i amexpecting more from it in terms of 

This is the first problem, the second one happened after i changed font 
settings in KDE control  application. I installed tahoma windows font and 
set it to all font places where i see helvetica in Kcontrol. It worked. But 
maybe related maybe not after that i cannot run KDE control application from 
panel. It gives SIGSEGV signal , but from terminal it works ok.. strange.. I 
searched some logs (i think it was .xsessionerrors log); there were lines 
related with kcontrol saying DCOP communication error.

I need help with these problems, thanks in advance...

Orkunt Sabuncu

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