On Tue Jun 19, 2001 at 07:25:05PM -0400, silkythreads wrote:

Or upgrade mandrake_desk from updates, which fixes the default GTK theme.

> I'm sorry.... it just occurred to me.... you might not be able to get to this
> !
> So... here it is..........
> Mandrake 8.0 default GTK-Theme crashes X-CD-Roast
>                        Due a bug in the eazel-engine used by Mandrake as
> default theme for
>                        GTK-apps, X-CD-Roast segfaults when clicking on the
> "Write-Tracks" Menu.
>                        NEW: Workaround for now: comment out line 2208 in
> create.c
>                        ("gtk_widget_grab_default (b1);"), recompile and it
> won't crash there any longer.
>                        Otherwise do switch to another gtk-theme.

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