El Mié 20 Jun 2001 00:15, s escribió:
> Hi all, I sure could use some help.  As the subject states this is my
> problem on my gateway machine.  I have used reiserfs and interactive
> bastille.  I tried to reconfigure bastille and told it not limit number of
> process and I put 'ulimit -f unlimited' in my /etc/profile file (per the
> only english suggestion I could find on google).  This occurs when I try to
> su to root (pretty important task for me).   I can still open other apps
> and even log in as root and do stuff, but not su to root (is the only thing
> I've identified as a problem as of yet).

Check /etc/security/limits.conf It has a limit of 100mb. Add a comment to 
that line and all will be fine.

Clave GnuPG disponible 

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