One added note, I have DRI-CVS installed and am using it.  I therefore have 
the /usr/X11R6-DRI/bin path in my /etc/profile path statement.  When I do 
env, I see the original /usr/X11R6/bin instead - a problem.  I don't 
understand the configs anymore (I once did) since profile and .bash_profile 
don't seem to affect much anymore.  

On Saturday 23 June 2001 09:41, Praedor S.Tempus wrote:
> I have the following path statement in my $HOME/.bash_profile:
> export PATH=/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/BMRT/bin:$HOME/bin:$PATH
> Nonetheless, /usr/local/BMRT/bin doesn't show up in my path when I do "env"
> or when I try to run one of the BMRT apps in bin.
> I added the BMRT to my .bash_profile first but when it didn't work, I added
> it to the Path statement in /etc/profile:
> PATH=$PATH:/usr/X11R6-DRI/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/usr/local/BMRT/b
> Incidently, my .bash_profile path statement originally looked like the
> /etc/profile path statement with the $PATH portion prepended to the entire
> thing.  When this didn't seem to work, I moved it to the end of the
> statement.  No matter, neither does what I am expecting it to do.
> What is wrong here?  What am I missing?  Where is THE penultimate path
> statement located these days?
> praedor

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