Actually, my p-4/1.5Ghz LM8.0 runs fine as well, but I had the same SMP 
problem. I just edited LILO during installation, deleting the SMP option and 
adding a non-SMP option. You can also avoid Aurora if you do an expert 


On Monday 25 June 2001 10:53, Josh Sauer wrote:
> Nick,
> I have LM 8.0 running on a P-4 1/3 GHz with no problems, except one.  When
> I did the initial installation of the CD, the installer incorrectly
> identified my system as being SMP enabled.
> After the install, I booted into a Non-SMP kernel and edited lilo.conf to
> allow me to boot linux as a non-smp enabled kernel and all was quite well,
> (except Aurora which has always given me trouble, but that's another
> issue).
> After that, things are working much better than they did on a P-III 500
> with 512 MB of RAM and 10 GB less HDD space.
> All in All, though, I would say wait until the P-III Tualatin comes to
> market.  If the benchmarks are right, this processor is faster than a P-4
> when set correctly.  Check out some of the info online about it.
> -Josh
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Nick Thompson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Monday, June 25, 2001 4:03 AM
> Subject: [expert] P4?
> > Hi,
> >
> > Does LM 8.0 work on Pentium 4? I guess it does, but I thought I'd check
> > before spending all that cash...
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Nick.

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