was wondering a question along these same lines.

ML8.0 and KDE2 is absolutely beautiful, at least for
the length of time I was able to see it. I could use
either xfree 3.x or xfree 4.x with no change to the
following problem.

I too have locking or freezing on 8.0

I have a KA-6100 viachipset motherboard with 128megs
RAM, All in Wonder Pro card, Yamaha OPL3 SAx builtin
sound, USR int PnP fax/modem 56K, Acer 310U scanner. 
(Scanner has never worked in Linux).

I have always had to use the reboot in order to NOT
get a screen dump of some kind (which is what happens
with shutdown).  I understand this is due to a via
chipset issue, but as long as you reboot and shutdown
when it comes up ... no problems.  This issue was
present as far back as 7.0.  These new problems are
quite baffling.

Was previously running 7.0 then 7.2 Freq with no
problems....after the initial issues between the sound
card and my fax/modem. My husband fixed those and got
them all to work together, both in Win98 and ML7.0 and
ML7.2 Freq.  He even got it to work the first install
with ML8.0, but then the problems started and it will
not reboot after an install at all without hanging, no
matter how many times you reinstall it seems.

But 8.0 install goes great, but when you boot up it
will lock up after getting inode errors all over the
place, it is like it is eating up the root partition
(not sure what technical issue is really going on

If I am able to get past that, it locks at different
stages of KDE2.  This is even after the 3rd
repartitioning and install. Very frustrating.  Have
rebuilt all partitions and installed from scratch each

The drive itself doesn't have problems, I have half of
it as windows extended partition and half as linux
partitions on the D: drive.  The C: drive is all
windows. C drive is 1.2Gig and D is 10Gig.  It seemed
to do quite well with 7.0 and 7.2 Freq

If anyone can help, or if you need more information,
please let me know.


--- civileme <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tuesday 26 June 2001 13:04, Stefano Bianchi
> wrote:
> > Ciao,
> > I wanted to know if there are known issue with my
> system and
> > Mandrake 8, since it keeps on 'freezing' with no
> apparent
> > reason. I include in this mail the configuration
> file for my
> > system created with hard-drake.
> >
> > Thank, Stefano
> No known issues.  We slow it down to avoid a
> hardware bug in the 
> chipset, but normally this happens only under high
> load, like 
> file transfers of 100Mb or more.
> Civileme

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