On Monday 25 June 2001 07:26 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I am having a devil of a time burning the 8.0 ISO's. The
> command I am using is:
> cdrecord -v speed=2 dev=0,0,0 -data Mandrake80-inst.iso
> and what end up with on the cd is unbootable garbage.  The burner
> works fine using kioscd.  Any hints, tips, sugestions would be
> greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
> Jerry

   How 'bout opinions?  ;>

  I've always prefered the command line for most everything, but 
burning CD's isn't one of 'em.  I've also noticed an increasing 
reluctance of many of the popular FE's for cdrecord/mkiosfs to run 
properly on KDE2, Mandrake 8.0. Here's what I've found that's most 
always succesfull:

  KOncd, is bullet proof for making 650mb data, audio, duplicate copy, 
or bootable CD's.  I have had some problems getting it to load the 
files to be burned for 80min audio CD's when their total exceeds 700mb, 
but yet the time is under 80 mins.  Gcombust doesn't have this problem, 
I've often been able to burn 79+ min audio CD's using wav files that 
total ~800mb onto 700mb-80min CD-R's.  For Mandrake Cd's, I made a 
copies of my cheapbytes 8.0 CD's for a friend, and pointed out the 
Mandrake 'donation' page. I used KOnCD and just chose 'Copy'. Original 
was in my CDrom, copy burned on my CD-RW (Plextor).  I believe the 
copies work better than the cheapbytes originals ;>

   I've also upgraded cdrecord, cdrecord-1.10-1mdk  and mkiosfs,
mkisofs-1.13-7mdk   I used cooker src.rpms and rebuilt them on 8.0 
Altho I know CD burning can be done as user, I've always su'd to root 
in an Xterm to run FE's for cdrecord/mkisofs.

   BTW, for the 'unbootable garbage', did you verify the md5sum of the 
ISO file before you tried to burn it?  'man md5sum', and I believe 
Mandrake has instructions on their website for checking md5sum and 
burning bootable ISO's. I know they do on the cooker page
http://www.linux-mandrake.com/en/cookerdevel.php3     and the CL 
options are a little different than what you used.  Whether that makes 
a difference, I dunno, that's why I use KOnCD ;>                        
    koncd-0.7-3mdk.i686.rpm   (rebuilt src.rpm)
Tom Brinkman      [EMAIL PROTECTED]     Galveston Bay

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