On 31 May, Serdar Ozler wrote:
> Hi.
> I'm using Mandrake 8.0 and have installed all updates
> also.
> But I've seen only security and important bug fixes.
> Are there any updates for new releases of applications
> (for example Mozilla 0.9)?
> Or do we have to download them and install manually?

Yes, can anyone answer this? I've benn in situations where I wanted to
upgrade packages but I couldn't do it in a "sane" manner. For example, if I
want to upgrade from X 4.0.3 to X 4.1, I probably won be able to because
I'll get a boatload of dependecy problems.


Laurent Duperval <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Les lapins doivent fourmiller ici comme les idées dans la tête du chef! De
quoi mourir de faim!
                                                -Kid Ordinn

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