I realise that Cooker is bleeding edge, but I must say that glibc-2.2.3 has 
done me no wrong (as far as I can tell).  There were no complaints when I 
switched over.  The kde stuff was problematic since it hasn't been updated 
since Cooker upgraded glib.  The whole mess needs to be rebuilt with the new 

This whole thing started because I was after a reasonably USEFUL koffice.  It 
hasn't been useful to me except for non-important writing and quick graphics 
- nothing I would really need or of any importance.  My hope is that this 
latest version is actually useful.  I'll know soon enough.

On Wednesday 04 July 2001 08:04 pm, you wrote:
> I had forgotten about that 'trap'. Rather than play the symlink game, I
> opted
> "Praedor S. Tempus" wrote:
> > It appears that I have corrected the problem.  The kdelibs, etc, that are
> > in the cooker directory were apparently built with libglib-1.3.5 while
> > the currently available libglib is 1.3.6.  Installing kdelibs produces
> > dependency problems because it wants libglib-1.3.so.5 but what is
> > available is libglib-1.3.so.6.  I symlinked 1.3.so.5 to 1.3.so.6 and now
> > koffice works - all of it.  I also had to create similar symlinks to
> > libgthreads and a few other libs provided by libglib.

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