One of our Mandrake 7.2 servers has a very bewildering habit. 
A particular application, an Ultima Online game actually, 
if it's crashed or killed, the sockets that it had connected stay open,
sometimes for 20 minutes or more.  Doing a "socklist | grep 2593"
shows it like: 
tcp   2593          0       0      0    0
tcp   2593          0       0      0    0
meaning, no application name next to them, but they linger for forever.

Naturally, ps aux | grep wolfpack
(wolfpack is the name of the Ultima Online game) shows nothing.

How can I close these sockets, so I can restart the game? 
(if I restart the game before the sockets close, I get a 'cannot bind'

Many thanks, 

Turgut Kalfaoglu:
EgeNet Internet Services:
All of Turkey Online:

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