Hi guys and gals,,

After always using a console over SSH for years now, I was wondering if its
possible to use X over SSH...

I know it is, and I have some unusual circumstances..

I use windows 2000 pro on my laptop,, (long story, but linux really doesn't
like it much...)
anyway, I use Zoc client for ssh and it uses linux emulation, so if you run
a console gui (like mc) it looks exactly the same as on the box itself....)

So I am wondering if its possible to have X running in a ZOC Window.....

or is there some other windows package that I can use to do this?? it would
just be handy to be able to do that...

another question I have with regard to that though, would I have to open
port 6000 on the firewall or doesn't it matter since it would be "tunneled"
through SSH,,, (thats my theory anyway.)

I guess its not really necessary to have remote x,, since I use the console
for mostly everything anyway,, but it would still be sorta handy

Has anyone done anything like that before????



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