To All;

    This is my first post on the mailing list, and certainly not my last.  I
have been a user of Mandrake since 6.0, but I have been using Linux distros
for some time.
    My first problem is with the Internet Connection Sharing in the Mandrake
Control Panel.  It worked like a charm in the stable/final 8.0 release, but
once I installed the Mandrake Freq that was another story.  Firstly, it was
erroring out and complaining about missing packages. Once I had that
straightened out, it ran through the setup wizard without any hitches, and
even finished with "Completed Successfully" but when I try to surf on the
other LAN boxes, there is no connectivity.  I have made no changes to the
LAN boxes at all.  They only changes were installing Mandrake Freq vice
stable 8.0.
    Any takers on this one ?
James Munn
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
ICQ: 72307004

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