The new program to do firewalling, masquerade, portforwarding etc is iptables
(kernel 2.4).
ipchains was used in kernel 2.2.

I don't use any frontend to do my firewall settings I use the iptables command
in a shell script. 

There are good howtos (netfilter-howto, nat-howto) on how to set up a packet
filtering firewall and NAT (masquerading, port-forwarding, etc. at) on
They are written by the guy who does the kernel programming of this stuff so
they are accurate...

Another node if you want to use ip_forwarding (routing, masquerading) on a
redhat like system (this includes LM) you must set net.ipv4.ip_forward=yes in
your /etc/sysctl.conf file...  This took me quite a lot of time to figure out
on my RH7.1 router. 

On 17-Jul-2001 Dalton Calford wrote:
> I am looking for the best firewall configuration software for Mandrake 
> version 8.
> The firewall that comes in the control panel is next to useless and the tech 
> support centre for mandrake told me that they do not support Bastille. 
> What I am trying to do is this.
> I have two locations, Office1 and Office2
> both locations have a router that connects them to the internet and each has 
> 32 ip addresses.
> The router at each location connects directly to a system we call a SAN 
> (system access node) so we have SAN1 at Office1 and SAN2 at Office2
> Each SAN has three network cards (eth0, eth1, eth2), one for each ethernet 
> segment in the office.
> eth0 connects to the router for the office and nothing else.
> eth1 connects to the rest of the routable ip addresses and is a DMZ.
> eth2 connects to the rest of the office workstations and uses a non-routable 
> ip block.
> All traffic has to travel through the SAN in order to get to any other 
> ethernet segment.
> The SAN acts as a NAT server for the non-routable ip addresses, and acts as a
> intelligent firewall vs a simple filter for the DMZ machines.
> The two SAN's need to set up a secure VPN between them extending the 
> non-routable block accross the two offices.
> The setup is a little more complex than that, but, if I can set that up, I 
> can extrapolate the rest.
> My problem is, I know that the firewalling and masqaurading rules have 
> changed between the 2.2 and 2.4 kernels.  I am getting conflicting 
> instructions from the different books and how-to's depending on what is 
> newer.  I have also found that mandrake makes some assumptions towards 
> security and configuration that conflict with some of the How-to's.
> I need to know, where can I find the how-to's that support Mandrake 8.0 and 
> address my design needs?
> Is there a configuration tool that supports the design I require?
> Has anyone else had any experience in this?
> Mandrake Tech support was useless, even with sitting on hold for 15 minutes 
> while the guy goes to ask someone else what NAT is.
> Although I have always supported Mandrake and bought the Prosuite Edition, I 
> am now regreting having spent the money for support that the company does not
> really provide.
> best regards
> Dalton

E-Mail: Gregor Maier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 18-Jul-2001
Time: 13:12:36

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