On Monday 16 July 2001 22:33, D. R. Evans wrote:
> On 16 Jul 01, at 23:50, munehiro wrote:
> > just tried to access the floppy with no floppy in the drive. It happens
> > quite frequently also when you do things like df or browse the /mnt/
> > directory, so the automounter tries to check if there's a disk.
> I guess that there must be some background process(es) that cause this
> to happen, because it happens in the middle of the night, too
> (according to the log).
> > > If only I could figure out which process was causing the
> > > aberrant behaviour, I could start to do something about it.
> >
> > i've some idea. maybe wrong, but could be an hint.
> > from my experience, in some cases, konqueror from kde2 starts sucking
> > up ram. The disk activity you hear is just swapping activity. Since
> > you are not ulimited, konqueror have the permission to eat up all cpu
> > and ram, and when all virtual memory (physical and swap) is exausted,
> > your machine is locked.
> >
> > if your machine is a critical routing machine, i suggest you not to hog
> > it with this kind of processes (maybe i'm wrong, but the kde shipped
> > with mandrake 7.2 was a pre-release, and so very buggy), and if you
> > really need to use them, place some care in /etc/security/limits.conf.
> > If you set correct limit parameters and an application starts to hog
> > your machine, the kernel kills the application before it's too late.

Actually while there were some shipments of that nature the later ones used 
KDE 2.0 and Update disks were made available to those running the first packs.

But look at

rpm -qa | grep ^kde

and see if you have 1.99 in the version number.


> This sounds rather promising. I'm not sure whether KDE was running
> every time I've seen the disk light lock on, but I certainly can't
> think of an occasion when I know for certain that it wasn't running.
> To you have any suggestions as to what might be a reasonable
> limits.conf file that might do the job in this case? I have 128MB of
> physical memory in the machine, and another 128MB of swap.
> And an ancillary question, in case you happen to know the answer: if a
> program is run SETUID user <x> by user <y>, is the program subject to
> the limits for <x> or for <y>? I couldn't find the answer to that
> documented anywhere.
> > Another good solution is trying to upgrade kde :)
> Sad experience tells me that upgrading anything on a machine that is
> critical is not a good idea. It's cheaper to replace the entire
> machine. Which I would do, if it weren't for the fact that this machine
> is only a couple of months old. It arrived the day that LM8.0 was
> released :-(
>   Doc Evans
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