Hi all,

Firstly, as an update, I removed my default domain redirection from virtual,
and now I am not getting my mail.

I finially bit the bullet and replaced sendmail with postfix..

firstly, good news, it talks to perl scripts exactly as sendmail does,
meaning that I have not had to change any of the scritps to suit...

I am having some config woes though, and I was wondering if someone could
perhaps set me straight here..

(if you want to skip my problems bit and go to my questions,, they are at
the end of the email)

First my setup..

My box collects mail for several domains,,

the default domain we will call: defaultdomain.com.au (its also the domain
the box runs as.)
That domains mail is sent to various accounts, some local, and some not.

for example, I want to set mine up, so that all email to:
gets redirected to:

then email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] goes to:

and so on...

So I have added this to main.cf
#A List of ALL IP's listening on this machine.
#Set the path to the canonical map.
canonical_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/canonical
masquerade_domains = $mydomain
masquerade_exceptions = root
#Set the path for the virtual map.
virtual_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/virtual
empty_address_recipient = postmaster@$mydomain

THEN, in canonical, I added the following..


Question 1. do I need to also reference this in virtual?  I have at present,
and it works... sortoff. but I don't know if I should have.

The other domains for arguements sake, lets call them:
(all of these have IP's I added in mynetworks in main.cf)

so in /postfix/virtual I added the following:
defaultdomain.com.au anything(apparently the right side txt is irrelivant.)
domain1.com.au  anything
domain2.com.au  anything
domain3.com.au  anything
domain4.com.au  anything

#Then I added the actual redirection stuff.
#Then I added a rule to send all email to that domain that didn't match the
above two, be sent to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
@domain1.com.au          [EMAIL PROTECTED]

#now send all mail to domain2.com.au to a local account called glass.
@domain2.com.au  glass

# Now direct my mail for the default domain to my own dialup account

and so on....

I also have my redirection added to canconical like so:


As I wasn't sure where I should set that up....

The result???

I am getting my mail fine.. through some weird quirk of fate...

however... I am geting the following errors..
in /var/log/mail/errors I get this:

Jul 19 11:38:06 mail postfix/master[671]: fatal: config variable
inet_interfaces: host not found: defaultdomain.com.au

in /var/log/mail/info I am getting alot of these:
Jul 18 22:20:31 mail postfix/smtp[1557]: D9783957:
to=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, relay=none, delay=4, status=bounced (mail
for defaultdomain.com.au loops back to myself)

In info I am also getting heaps of rejects for all the virtual domains....
with messages like user unknown...

So, to cut a long story not so long, what I am asking is summarised here...

1. how do I make sure that postfix is listing on all my ip's local or
2. How to I do local user redirection to non local mailbox's.
3. How do I redirect mail to a specific user of one of the virtual domains
to a non local mailbox, and then send all mail to that virtual domain to
another non local account.
4. How do I stop "mail loops back to itself messages??
5. IS there a GUI tool for postfix config other then Webmin? (webmin is ok
for basic stuff, but isn't as detailed by far as the sendmail webmin config

Any help would be much appreciated...

kindest regards


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