hi Ran,

cool down man! take a break from it for a while then
continue to work on it once you are cooled.

as far as i know, openssh by default installed as base
system on mdk8 now. i have the following on my system:


if they are not on your system yet, do 'rpm -Uvh
rpmfile' from your mdk8 cd. 

i think that putting 'sshd: ALL' on the
/etc/hosts.deny file  effectively denies all SSH
connection to your host server. instead of that you
should put it on your /etc/hosts.allow. the following
is an exerpt on the man pages of hosts.allow and

·Access will be granted when a (daemon,client)  pair
matches an entry in the /etc/hosts.allow file.
·Otherwise,  access  will  be  "denied"  when  a (dae 
 mon,client)  pair   matches   an   entry   in   the
/etc/hosts.deny file.
·Otherwise, access will be granted.

ok, ill not pretend to be an expert in SSH. ill just
share with you how i troubleshoot my SSH connections.
for troubleshooting purposes, i put ALL:ALL first on
my /etc/hosts.allow. this is to test the connectivity
without any restrictions. 

ssh -v -l dianne scurf

ssh has the -v  option to show you whats going on when
you are trying to connect to a remote host or a
localhost. it gives you in detail where your
connection is failing. once i get it to work, then i
put back the restrictions in /etc/hosts.allow or
/etc/hosts.deny file.

the file /etc/ssh/sshd_config file is the file that
controls the ssh deamon on a particular server. take a
look at the current restrictions if any. sometimes the
answers to all questions why this or that fails is on
that file. 

hope that helps! have a good day.


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