Dear friends:

I am having a javascript problem when using Galeon/Mozilla on the TVGuide 
online page. Java and Javascript are enabled in the Settings menu and Java 
works fine everywhere else.

For some reason, the pop-up window with program details that's supposed to 
appear when clicking on a program hyperlink does not appear at all. Instead, 
I get the following message in the Status bar (it's not an error message, 
just a status report):

Javascript: cl (60922,525791)

On the other hand, this pop-up window DOES come on in Mozilla. What could be 
the problem, please? 

I like Galeon very much, but I would really like to resolve this issue so I 
won't have to go back to Mozilla everytime I need to use this feature.

Using the following:

sher@localhost sher]$ rpm -q galeon
[sher@localhost sher]$ rpm -q mozilla
[sher@localhost sher]$

Thank you so much.


Sher's Russian Web
Benjamin and Anna Sher

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