On Sun, 5 Aug 2001, Jose M. Sanchez wrote:

> If you want to "REALLY" see what's going on, open an Xterm Window and
> fire up "iptraf" (which runs in text mode) as the root user.
> In it's configuration screen turn on PROMISCUOUS mode and Reverse DNS
> resolution.
> The go to IP Traffic Monitor for the interface connected to your Cable
> modem.
> You'll see the ARP requests at the bottom, while any other TCP traffic
> at top, including source and destinations...
> And I'm also seeing a slew of ARP requests today... Which is nominal for
> @home

Yeah, ever since this all started, I have a constant 2+k activity on eth0,
still, and according to iptraf, they are virtually all ARP requests...as
well, my apache log shows constant hacking attempts. Is this all code red
generated activity, and if so, anyone have any idea how long it'll last?



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