etharp wrote:
> Ok, just so I am not out -a$$holed here... (I _do_ intend to be the big hole
> here)<grin>  what does _LUCK_ have to do with it, and why should I have to
> see "see the other post", heck what other post, I see a BUNCH of other posts.
> My Wife wants (demands) for me  to put in here that NOBODY ELSE better be
> breaking MY balls, that is HER job, and hers alone! Damn-it!
> I think it is almost worth noting that I never miss the point. I carry the
> point on my head. I am a pointy head.


Your sense of humor is not only commendable but much appreciated. What
started out as a simple request somehow turned into a "pissing contest"
with certain people (thanks do go out to Bruce, who saw what I needed
and gave me a very nice and short response). I run a re-compiled 2.2.19
kernel version on LMDK7.2 with ext2 file system. I certainly know what
my man page says about "chattr" and "lsattr". I thought the purpose of
this list was to see what other mandrake uses had to say about their
peculiar setups. I was only hoping to find out what the ReiserFS
implementation, on the very latest 2.4 version of the kernel, was
capable of doing about "file attributes". As I posted in my very first
post, I need this utility.

Unfortunately some people feel the need to make their self look good at
other people's expense. This does not come as a shock to me. Maybe I
just expected more from this list. My mistake, and, for me, this thread
is DEAD!

J. Craig Woods

-Art is the illusion of spontaneity-

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