Tom Brinkman wrote:

> On Saturday 18 August 2001 12:34 pm, Felix Miata wrote:

> > How do I get rid of that graphical startup and shutdown glop?
>     Easiest way is to edit lilo.conf and change the line
> vga=xxx (probly 788)   to    vga=normal  and run 'lilo to make the
> change.
>   That way, if you can't make up you're mind like me ;), it's easy to
> re-enable it.

That's my kind of solution, but I'm using Grub, and replacing vga=788
with vga=normal didn't do the whole job. It starts in text mode but shortly
after init starts it switches to graphical. Similar behavior on shutdown,
except that it goes graphical right away.
"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is
wholly inadequate to the government of any other."
                                                President John Adams

Felix Miata  ***

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