Basically I'm trying to use a USB CD to install linux on a USB harddrive
(don't ask, it's a laptop...)  To this end I built a custom kernel with
the stuff needed...  The trouble is when I make the boot floppy with the
blank.img and copy over vmlinuz and try to boot it just hangs after the
message that it has decompressed the kernel is ready to run it...  I've
tried it with a bunch of different kernels, even the one that I use to
boot my production server (so I know that one is valid)...  Has anyoe
used the blank.img to create a custom boot disk?  And no I can't just
use the network.img since the ethernet card is a pcmcia card...


[  Julia Anne Case  ] [        Ships are safe inside the harbor,       ]
[Programmer at large] [      but is that what ships are really for.    ]
[   Admining Linux  ] [           To thine own self be true.           ]
[ Windows/WindowsNT ] [ Fair is where you take your cows to be judged. ]

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