Doh!  That's right.  Damn, I forgot the /etc/hosts entry.  


On Wed 22 Aug at 14:11:19 -0500 [EMAIL PROTECTED] done said:
> On Wednesday, Aug 22, 2001, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Say you've got a machine that's been up for an extended period of time
> > and during that period of time, you change the hostname of that machine.
> > No worries, simple enough, but further along the line, when you make
> > some changes to apache and restart that service, it fails.  (And there's
> > nothing in the logs explaining why, which is incredibly frustrating!)
> > 
> > Thinking of what could've changed since the last time apache was 
> > started, if you change your hostname back to what it was back in the day
> > and give the restart another go, it's all good.
> > 
> > Actually, I just noticed the same thing on my workstation in relation to
> > X.  With the old hostname, X won't start (startx in runlevel 3), but as
> > soon as I change it back to the old hostname, it's happy and X starts
> > up.  
> Both apache and X try to find your hostname's ip address on startup.
> Chances are that you need to add the new hostname to /etc/hosts.
> -- 
> Paul Cox <paul at coxcentral dot com>
> Kernel: 2.4.7-12.3mdk  -  Uptime: 1 day 14 hours 54 minutes.

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