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-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Jason Van Patten
Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2001 6:36 PM
Subject: [expert] "Skipping" MPEGs?

Hey folks -

I've recently installed Mdk 8.0 and noticed an interesting problem with
mpegs.  Any one that has audio in it seems to skip around.  It'll play
normally for a bit, then the video will speed up or skip ahead, while
the audio follows the normal track.  Has anyone seen this (ie, known

I've tried MPEGs with MTV, and with the MPEG player that KDE comes with
(is that MTV disguised?)  Sound card is SB Live, running X in
Haven't had this trouble before the upgrade.  It does the same thing
with the standard kernel, or 2.4.5.

Ideas?  Thanks!

Jason Van Patten
AOL IM: Jason VP 

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