For 1 and 2, were you in "Newbie" install mode?  I know in "Expert" it
prompts for these things.

For 3, try "alsamixer".  If that doesn't work, try the program "aumix".
There are two different sound systems available under Mandrake.  These are
their different volume control programs.

-- Asheesh.

On Sat, 15 Sep 2001, Sheldon E. Newhouse wrote:

> I have had the following problems in installing 8.0
> 1. the mkbootdisk is skipped (I have no choice in the matter)
> 2. there is no choice to boot either of Win98 and linux. Lilo sets things
>    up to only boot linux.
> I know how to fix the above things, but IMHO the installation should
> give the installer the choices.
> 3. I have a Creative Soundblaster 512 PCI soundcard.  lsmod shows the
>    correct sound module but there is no sound.
> I don't know how to fix this.
> Any ideas?
> TIA,
>  -sen

Fortune finishes the great quotations, #12

        Those who can, do.  Those who can't, write the instructions.

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