On Thu, 4 Oct 2001 19:11:18 -0600
"Praedor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> What window manager do you use?  Perhaps it would be instructive for Orkunt 
> for someone with anemic hardware 8\ to explain how they get a fully workable 
> system...unless your system is CLI-only.  I doubt that would be much 
> encouragement or favorably demonstrative.

anemic hardware, that would be me. I use a pentium 100 with 32mb and a 2mb bigfoot hd.
x starts up in 11 secs, I use icewm, it is the smalest wm that is still usable. If 
you've got a mouse 
with 3 buttons you can also use lwm. As a mailer i use sylpheed, browsing with 
netscape, w3m and lynx.
booting takes me eeh, four weeks or so? I don't know, I don't see the point of 
rebooting unless you
compile the kernel (and that you only do once anyway, right, it's not as if you add 
any hardware to a little
box like this)
plovs@debian:~$ df -h
Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda2             938M  291M  600M  33% /
/dev/hda3              46M  1.4M   42M   4% /boot
/dev/hda4             905M   20M  839M   3% /home
plenty of space also
plovs@debian:~$ free
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:         29852      28204       1648      16436        676      12820
-/+ buffers/cache:      14708      15144
Swap:        96732       1484      95248
plenty of space also
but as you can see I use debian on this box (I'm on this list because I use mandrake 
as a server), but it should make any difference, just don't use gnome or kde and turn 
off stuff you don't need.

Usually I use a box that's a bit bigger, it's just being repaired. Bigger is better 
but linux is usable as ong as
you know what you are doing. I have to agree btw that windows runs faster on a small 
box like this (w95osr2f32) unfortunately it usually runs only a day or so before you 
have to reboot (if you're lucky)


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