This morning when I checked my system, I brought up kmail to check my mail. 
 Logcheck runs at night and I get the report mailed to me.  This morning I 
got a message from "the Postfix program" telling me that the message to 
root was:  "Message processing aborted:  Message file too big."  The 
attachment of the undelivered message was truncated.  It also wasn't even 
as big as some of the reports that I've gotten when my logs have been 
really busy with things that I forgot to put into /etc/logcheck/ignore. :-)

I've checked /etc/postfix/, but I don't see anything there which 
sets a message size limit.  Can someone please tell me where this limit is 
set, so that I can (hopefully) tell it that I don't *care* how big a 
message files is, just process the $#@!ing thing? :-)


      David Guntner      GEnie: Just say NO! or key server
                 for PGP Public key

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