On Mon Oct 29, 2001 at 08:12:38AM +0000, richard wrote:

> > > Well after reinstalling again, the telnet server IS running, albeit
> > > getting rid if the telnet-client proved to be a pain, it took several
> > > uninstalls using rpm drake to get rid of if it ????????.
> > > Once the telnet-client was out the server went in and worked all but one
> > > bit..
> > > Telnetting to localhost produces "bash:telnet: command not found"
> > > infact telnettting to anywhere for a terminal produces the same
> > > .
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Anyone found a fix for this, it dos'nt seen to be caused by iptables, as
> > > ftp and ssh to localhost all function.
> > 
> > Well, your problem, apparently, is it took you several times to
> > uninstall telnet-client... why do you want to remove telnet-client if
> > you intend to use telnet?  Obviously telnetting to localhost doesn't
> > work... you removed the telnet client!
> > 
> > The telnet *server* doesn't include the telnet *client*... that's what
> > telnet-client package is for (which you tried so hard to remove for
> > some reason).  Try re-installing... then you will get a program called
> > "telnet" on your system and bash won't give you the "command not
> > found" error (which should have been your first clue that telnet
> > wasn't installed).
> > 
> > in.telnetd is not the same as telnet.
> > 
> Thanks Darren,
> That HAS changed rom previous mdk 7 series.
> I'l try installing the client, and hope it dos'nt screw up the server
> !!!

It won't screw up the server.  It's just the client program.  It would
be like installing openssh-server on the system and then installing
openssh-client.  Does the client have anything to do with the server?
Not really... it just talks to it.  Doesn't have anything to do with
the server running.

> That still leaves the problem of not being able to compile the modules,
> which  makes it very difficult to upgrade the kernel ????

If you're using the 2.2.19-5.xmdk kernel from the most recent update,
then hang on a little bit longer.  I'm fixing this problem and will be
putting out another kernel shortly that has the ipsec/freeswan stuff
included in the sources.  I built a kernel this afternoon using a new
kernel-source package that fixes that dangling ipsec symlink.

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