On Sunday 11 November 2001 05:12 am, Tom Brinkman wrote:
> On Saturday 10 November 2001 10:55 pm, Bill Kenworthy wrote:
> > Are there stats to backup the fact that linux software raid is
> > faster than the highpoint chips+linux software raid - I have not
> > seen any articals to that effect
>   http://www.mandrakeforum.org/article.php?sid=450&lang=en
>    I'd want Civileme to respond to your speed query rather than try
> to speak for him. I would add tho, that the win-raid fad that many
> popular boards came out with a while back, requires a pcb design that
> actually introduces many problems. I believe it is at the heart of
> the much (over)hyped VIA-IDE 'bug' problems.  Fortunately this
> win-raid kludge fad appears to have died out with mostly clueless
> windoze users being the majority of those who got snookered.  Most
> from reading favorable win-raid motherboard reviews on otherwise
> respectable windoze hardware sites. eg, Tom's Hardware, Anand, Ars
> Technica, etc.

There is nothing to indicate that RAID0 under linux software RAID would be 
any slower or faster than RAID0 on one of the HPT or Promise "RAID" 
controllers.  If you want higher performance on that, you need real hardware.

Of course these hardware sites reviewed RAID favorably because it gave some 
performance hains in Windows over the regular stuff, but realize that these 
are basically WinRAID controllers.  Obviously if many windows users have the 
setup, and feel the need to access their WinRAID partition (yeah 
singular--you get _one_ RAID partition with these controllers) and use 
dual-boot, a project would be in order to assist them, but notice it is not 
by commercial distributors.  Even the linux-ide project has no personnel 
involved.  Andre Hedrick wrote quite an interesting letter about this junk on 
kernel traffic, more than a year ago, as you can discover from the link Tom 

For right now, the Promixe RAID controllers are supported for one drive per 
channel, as regular controllers, and the HPTs seem to work somewhat better as 
regular controllers.

There is a supported hardware IDE RAID documented at www.linux-ide.org and it 
does work very well indeed.  It is a tad on the expensive side, but it could 
work wonders in limited space (one device runs two 2.5" notebook size drives 
as a RAID0 or RAID1 totally transparent to the system in a single 3.5" 
bay--great for a high-reliability thin box...

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