On Fri Nov 16, 2001 at 08:09:59AM +0100, kons Richard Bown wrote:

> > Seriously, the telnet client has it's uses.. it's the telnet server
> > that should be abolished.
> > 
> > Those with restrictive firewalls really don't have an excuse... they
> > can setup thier home ssh to listen to the telnet port and use ssh to
> > connect through the telnet port to their home system.  Same as it you
> > were using telnet.  You just need to be a little creative.
> and a bit of magic as well !!!!....you are asumming the other end has
> ssh capability, and if it has'nt ?????
> cya

You can clearly see by my message that I indicated such by describing
thier "home ssh".  If it doesn't have ssh, or can't be made to have
ssh, than you're SOL I suppose.

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