On Thu, 22 Nov 2001 14:41, eduardo wrote:
> Thanks for your help.
> With this I sent a small description about how network has bean
> setting up and the hardware that the we are using.
> Network 1 : 10.10.X.X / (The Other Company/Firewall)
> Network 2 : 192.168.5.X.X / (My company)
> The Switch we have 2 Vlans.
> The Switch and Gateway/Firewall is controlled by the other company.
> The Router connect us to the internet. The router is controlled by ISP
> --------     --------    -------------
> |Router|     |HUB   |    |Comp. (Win)|(192.168.X.X)
> |Cisco |---->|      |--->|Network 2  |
> --------     --------    -------------
> (192.168.X.X)   | |_____________________
> (10.10.X.X)     |                      |(port Vlan2)
>                 v                      v
>             ----------             ----------(Vlan 2)         192.168.X.X
>             |Gateway |             |Switch  |-------->NetWork 2 (Windows)
>             |FireWall|------------>|3Com    |(Vlan 1)
>             |(Linux) | (port Vlan1)|        |-------->NetWork 1 (Windows)
>             ----------             ----------                  10.10.X.X
>             (10.10.X.X)            (10.10.X.X)

Well, the firewall logs you sent look like they were generated on the linux 
box.  The linux box is connected by a hub to your windows network.  Why are 
they suprised to see traffic from that network hit their linux box, when it's 
physically on the same network?

Also, just as a question of configuration, shouldn't the VLAN's be on 
different subnets to the main networks?  Is this 3COM switch handling the 
VLAN authentication and so forth?

Is eth0 on the linux box connected to the hub or to the switch?


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