civileme wrote:

> OK let's look at the software RAIDs
>         "Hardware " Cards                       Linux Software RAID
> Extents               1                               >16
> RAID Types      0, 1 0+1                                0,1,4,5
> Identical drives        Yes                             Irrelevant
> Volume mgr      No                              Volumes can be pieces of
>                                                    up to 16 drives
> Setup at install        No, requires kernel mods        Yes
> Cost                          $30-100 extra                   Your time
> Journaling filesystems will work with both.

You DO NOT have to have identical drives to use ide raid cards.  If you 
expect to create a RAID array with either hardware OR software, you 
calculate based on the smallest drive in the array.  You can have 4 
drives consisting of a 10GB, a 15GB and two 20GB and RAID 0 will yield 
you 40GB total while RAID 1 will yield 20GB.  Obviously not the most 
effecient setup with EITHER type of RAID, but it will work.

Check out this link:

I would also add that RAID controlled by the operating system (doesn't 
matter which one you choose WindowsNT which also has a softRAID or 
Linux), will NEVER be as fast or efficient as hardware (even 
"semi-hardware" products as the promise ide cards).



> WinRAIDs, anyone?

I really wouldn't compare to Winmodems as they are DESIGNED to work only 
with Windows - that's a little misleading when comparing to the RAID 
card which DOES offer linux drivers.

> Civileme

Mike & Tracy Holt               \|||/
Kirkland, WA                    (o o)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]    ----o00--(_)--00o----

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