Randy Donohoe wrote:

 > On Monday 26 November 2001 05:54 pm, you wrote:
 >> On Monday 26 November 2001 06:23 pm, Randy Donohoe wrote:
 >>> machines. Neither of us can mount a floppy that has been fully 
 >>>  in the KDE floppy formatter using the ext2 file system. DOS,
 >>> yes, ext2 , no. Any ideas?
 >> What does fstab say?  as you can see from mine (below), I had to comment
 >>  out the fs=vfat line and add one in that uses auto, for the filesystem
 >>  (plus some other borrowed changes ;) Supermounts both ext2 and
 >> fat fs's now.
 >> # none  /mnt/floppy     supermount 

 >> page=850, exec,unhide 0 0 none    /mnt/floppy     supermount 

 >> noauto 0 0
 >> I needed this so I could do a 'mkbootdisk $(uname -r)'
 > I'm using auto and so is my friend. If I change to ext2 it tells me  it's
 >  an unsupported file system when I try to mount it. Go figure. Randy
 >  Donohoe

Wow! I know I've been able to mount my ext2 floppies in the past, but I 
just tried it to see what you were talking about and I got the same 
error!  I'll do some research and see if I can't find out what the 
problem is.


Mike & Tracy Holt               \|||/
Kirkland, WA                    (o o)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]    ----o00--(_)--00o----
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