mån 2001-11-26 klockan 13.09 skrev Jose M. Sanchez:
> Go into the BIOS and make sure that you have AGP set to 2x instead of
> 4x.
I did, (Enabel ASP 4x is now set to False).
> If there are options to turn of FASTWRITES and SIDEBAND ADDRESSING turn
> off both.
Could only set FASTWRITES to disable 
> Sideband addressing causes a LOT of problems with GeForce video cards as
> does 4x on some motherboards.

I also did a 'cat /proc/nv/card0' to faund out that both FASTWRITES and
SIDEBAND ADDRESSING was disabeld by the driver and it used AGPART and
2x. This was the setnings both before and after I disabeld 4x and FW in

The mashin still hangs... I haven't have time to check if there are any
jumpers on the MB. I will check the jumpers soon and tell you the status
on that.
> Also some MB's have a special jumper for the AGP slot. Check the manual.
> Moving it from one side to the other often has a lot of impact on Nvidia
> cards and system stability and freezing.
> -JMS
> |-----Original Message-----
> |[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Erik Gunther
> |Sent: Monday, November 26, 2001 6:48 AM
> |To: Mandrake-expertlista
> |Subject: [expert] Nvidia+Mandrake 8.1+dual cpu:s = crash!
> |
> |
> |
> |Hi I have a serious problem. My computer keeps craching after 
> |a while. When I have left the computer and a user are loged on 
> |(in X) the compurer just freeze. All things stopes even the 
> |network (it do not even answer to ping). If I run xscreensaver 
> |the computer freeze more often then when xscreensaver is not 
> |running. When no one are logged in the computer crash more seldom.
> |
> |Unfortunately there are no enteries in the log about the 
> |freeze so I don't exactly know whats causing the problem. But 
> |I know that much that my gateway that also runs LM8.1 don't 
> |have this problem. My gateway don't have a Nvidia card nor 
> |dual CPU:s I don't know if it's relevant.
> |
> |I have 2.4.13 kernel(SMP) and Nvidias 1.1541 driver for my 
> |Geforce2 GTS on a dual CPU intel-system.
> | 
> |Do anyone else have this problem or even better know a sulotion?
> |
> |/erikg - 
> |
> |
> |
> |
> ----

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