On Thu, 13 Dec 2001 15:41:25 -0800
"Paul Sue" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> frantically pecked out this message:::::

> Hi,
> I have a computer with 2 20 GB hard disks, one each for mdk and freebsd.
> How do I go about doing this?  For performance, would it be a good idea to 
> use the other disk for the swap partition?  i.e.:
> Disk 1
> - Linux mdk8.1
> - swap for freebsd
> Disk 2
> - freebsd
> - swap for mdk8.1
> I'm not sure how to get started, so step-by-step instrucitons would be 
> appreciated.
> Thanks!
> Paul


I'm sure you don't mean to use the entire disk for a swap space, right? (maybe I 
shouldn't have had that last peice of cheese cake.) Anyway, you could probably get 
away easily with making a swap partition on just one of the drives and allow both OS's 
to access and use it. I've done that before with two Linux installations and it worked 
nicely. I don't see how or why BSD would mind.

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