Basically it's telnet over SSL.  Much more secure.

[timh@r2d2 timh]$ grep 992 /etc/services 
telnets     992/tcp    telnet protocol over TLS/SSL
telnets     992/udp    telnet protocol over TLS/SSL

It's used more in BSD from what I've seen.

[timh@eric timh]$ telnet
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
Trying SRA secure login:
User (userID): userID
[ SRA accepts you ]

It's still not as good as ssh, or have as many options as ssh, but it's
better then regular telnet.  Most servers that will accept a telnet
connection will accept a SSL telnet connection as well.  

But if your telnet client doesn't allow, or doesn't know to send to
that port, it will not.

I'm pretty sure you can get a client for Mandrake.  FreeBSD I know for
sure installs off the bat with this secure form of telnet.

  T. Holmes  |  |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  UIN:  17021091
 | Hi,
 | I just ran nmap on my machine and it shows 'telnets' listening on port
 | 992. Of course, telnet is disabled and there is no trace of telnetd or
 | whatever running when doing ps -ef. 
 | Any idea what this could be ?
 | Thanks,
 | Thomas.
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