Pierre Fortin grabbed a keyboard and wrote:
> Other handy spam restrictors seem to be (from my main.cf):
> smtpd_recipient_restrictions = 
>     reject_unknown_client       <====<<
>     permit_mynetworks
>     check_relay_domains
> smtpd_client_restrictions = 
>     reject_unknown_hostname     <====<<
>     reject_unauth_pipelining    <====<<
>     hash:/etc/postfix/access_client

One other thing I noticed, Pierre:  hash:/etc/postfix/access_client?  What 
specifically does that do, and is it needed for these things to work?  I 
currently don't have any such file....


      David Guntner      GEnie: Just say NO!
 http://www.akaMail.com/pgpkey/davidg or key server
                 for PGP Public key

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