It might help us if you defined what you mean by 'heavy loads' -- do you
mean heavy loads as regards to network traffic?  heavy loads as regards web
site hits?

Just a thought,


Michael Viron
Registered Linux User #81978
Senior Systems & Administration Consultant
Web Spinners, University of West Florida

At 02:09 PM 12/20/2001 -0500, you wrote:
>Thank you Carroll for your response.  I think the desktop is being looked 
>at closely and I am happy to say that other than a specialized accounting 
>package all of the other software we use is not Windows specific.  Most of 
>the apps used here are in the process of being ported to the web.  Another 
>big task used heavily is connection to the S/390 Mainframe and that will 
>not be a problem under Linux either.
>My question now focuses on the stability of Mandrake as a server platform.  
>We are now testing it and I have personally been using it since the first 
>box shipped.  I have personally run into problems with it in some area's 
>and when I worked for a last year we tried to run it as our web 
>server and in our tests at the time other Distro's did circles around it.
>So, the big question is, in your experience or anyone's--would you TRUST 
>it in the enterprise server arena.  Talking real world here, not what 
>ZD-MSNet say's, but has anyone put it to a real day to day test under 
>heavy loads.
>On Wed, 19 Dec 2001, Carroll Grigsby wrote:
>> If the definition of "desktop" is restricted to ordinary office usage --
>> processing, spreadsheets, e-mail, accessing mainframe applications, stuff 
>> like that -- then Linux is ready today, as evidenced by the many recent 
>> stories about various organizations that have de-fenestrated themselves. I 
>> personally have a lot of problems with the so-called experts in the tech 
>> media (ZDNet comes to mind) who keep saying that if it isn't exactly like 
>> MicroSoft Office, nobody's going to be able to use it. Nonsense! Any
>> bright person who is accustomed to MS Office should be able to use
>> with very little effort. (And if they aren't bright enough to do it, then 
>> perhaps they aren't bright enough to remain on the payroll.) Sure, some 
>> of the geegaws have different names, or they look different, or the
>> are organized differently, but the real differences are really very
small -- 
>> certainly no greater than making the transition from WordPerfect and
Lotus to 
>> Word and Excel, and yet lots of us did just that during the great
>> putsch of the late 90's.
>> However, if the definition of desktop is expanded to include all of the 
>> various computer-based activities that actually go on in an office, the 
>> answer depends on exactly whose desktop we're talking about: Not
everyone in 
>> the office is doing the same thing. Case in point: Prior to retirement
>> spring, I was a product design engineer and, along with two other guys,
>> most of the day using AutoCad and Pro Engineer. There were also four or
>> manufacturing engineers who used AutoCad LT in their work. Problem:
There are 
>> no Linux versions of these products, nor do they work under wine or
>> (OK, that's not entirely true. I understand that win4lin will run AutoCad 
>> LT.) And, although I'd like to be proven wrong on this, I haven't found
>> suitable Linux equivalents to either of these programs. Meantime, over
in the 
>> the HR area, they were running a specialized application program
(mandated by 
>> corporate) that was also windows-specific. And then there's the MSDS
>> that was on everyone's desktop -- again, windows only. And so it goes...
>> problem isn't with the office suites, it's the specialized apps that are 
>> going to give you troubles.
>> It's always easier to identify the obstacles than find the solution, of 
>> course, and I hope you'll be able to pull it off -- it's a worthy goal
-- but 
>> there are some big obstacles out there. I promise to back you up until
>> nose bleeds.
>> Best regards,
>> Carroll
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