Pierre Fortin wrote:

>I see no one has tried to help...  
>This works:
>  for i in `cat $temp`; do
>avoiding $list altogether...
>Vincent Danen wrote:
>>I need a little help with something.  I'm not used to writing scripts
>>in zsh, but I'm modifying a lengthy script already written in zsh and
>>am stuck with something.  In bash and perl, I don't get this problem.
>>I'm doing this:
>>temp=`mktemp /tmp/filelistXXXXXX`
>>for i in 7.1 7.2 8.0 ppc/8.0 8.1 ia64/8.1 1.0.1 snf7.2 SRPMS; do
>>  [[ -d $DEST/$i ]] && ls -1 $DEST/$i/*.rpm >>$temp
>>list=`cat $temp`
>>rm -rf $temp
>>for i in $list; do
>>The problem is, the first instance of $i contains everything in
>>$list.  In bash, it takes the first file that ls returns.  In perl, I
>>would use chop($list); but there doesn't seem to be something
>>equivalent for zsh that I can see quickly.
>>Basically, I want every file listed in $temp to be read as a single
>>instance in my for loop, but it's reading the *entire* file as the
>>first instance, which is incorrect.
>>Any ideas?  Thanks.
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That not helping part has been very prevalent lately. I guess everyone 
has been busy trying to enjoy the holidays with their families. I have 
posted many questions that I have not received a singel answer to yet! 
Two of them I had figured out, evenutually for myself and posted the 
solutions. As long as we post solutions then I am content wether I solve 
it on my own or someone else helps out. Just as long as we help one 
another. It is amazing what can be solved in a little amount of time 
with just one question being answered. I apologize for not posting 
earlier to this message not that I am knowledgeable or anything with zsh 
but I am resourceful.

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