Mark Chou wrote:

>OK, after investigating a bit, I can describe what's going on a bit
>better, although I don't think I'm any closer to a solution.
>The machine in question is a desktop, not a laptop, and I don't run
>apmd.  However, in BIOS I do set monitor suspend/standby.  
>Timezone is set _correctly_, in the sense that hwclock or date reports
>PDT (after I installed timeconfig).  However, if my monitor goes into
>standby, whenever I "wake the system up,"  the system clock (date) will
>not reflect the correct hardware clock (hwclock) time.  The system time
>will be off by 9 hours (before hwclock time).  This leads me to believe
>that the kernel (or some libraries) doesn't reset the system clock
>correctly upon resuming from suspend.  (Again, date and hwconfig
>indicate the same time zone, PDT, but the time doesn't agree with each
>I don't think this has to do with a improperly linked timezone file,
>since I wrote in my original post
>Strangely enough I have two other systems similary installed with
>MDK8.0, but they don't exhibit this warped system time behavior.
></rant mode>
>I've been a long time Linux user ~9yrs., but I'm getting really
>exasperated w/ Linux.  I largely use Mandrake because it comes
>precompiled w /i586 optimizations, so I don't have to jack around too
>much.  I think the religion of "robust and reliable" is wearing a bit
>thin.  Most of the recent (RedHat & Mandrake) distributions lately have
>been unusable in a fundamental sense, and I no longer have the patience
>to tinker w/basic issues, I just want the system to be "robust and
>reliable" and minimize administration.  That shouldn't be to much to
>ask??  It's not as if I also have the most "bleeding edge" stuff that
>wraks havoc on systems.  
>I think I'm going to move to freeBSD.  More reliable, and less
>administrative overhead.  This from a long time believer in Linux.    
></rant mode off>
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The solution is simple.. o O (I think) You have your hardware set to the 
GMT timezone, as that is the exact number of timezones from the GMT or 
in otherwords, the Universal Time Coordinated to Pacific 
Daylight-savings Time (PDT). Change that and you should be all good. 
Just use MCC (Mandrake Control Center). HTH


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