ok, all in good fun, but to the guy who nuked his /ect/whatever...

<all in good fun>d00d, U R sooooo 31337</fun> 


On Mon, 2002-01-14 at 17:50, Randy Kramer wrote:
> D. R. Evans wrote:
> > I know that Civileme disagrees with me (he says to use frequently-
> > backed-up CVS), but this is the One Good Thing about Windoze. It's
> > called GoBack.
> And, it's built into Windows (since either Win2000 or the ME).  Wonder

and that is a big reason why ME is such a dog!  your average home user
doesn't even know it's there, I know my parents don't.  all they know is
that they have a 1.2 GHz Athlon box and all they can do is shrug their
shoulders when it bluescreens.

I would compare MS's go back to mandrake first time.  a really great
sounding feature that wasn't quite ready at release.  the difference is
I don't have to install MFT, it doesn't affect performance, and I didn't
pay $189 for an _UPGRADE_.

so you'll have to excuse me if I don't join you guys in lamenting that
LM8.1 isn't more like Windows ME.

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